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This email was intended for wealth corner (reserch head). Learn why we include this.

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wealth, congratulations on your work anniversary!
In celebration, we'd like to offer you 30 days of free access to lynda.​com. Keep your skills up-to-date with on-demand courses taught by industry experts.
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*30-Day Free Trial Terms: At the end of your 30-day trial, you'll automatically be enrolled in a membership that will renew each month/year. Offer is valid from 12:00am PST October 22 2015 until 11:59pm PST October 28 2015. Discount is not valid on the purchase of gift memberships
If you need assistance or have questions, please contact LinkedIn Customer Service.
This is an occasional email to help you get the most out of LinkedIn. Unsubscribe.
This email was intended for wealth corner (reserch head). Learn why we include this.

© 2015, LinkedIn Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. LinkedIn Ireland Ltd. Gardner House, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland